1. 将英文的性别转换为中文的男和女(还可以转换为1和0) select Gender , case when Gender ='Male' then '男' when Gender ='Female' then '女' else '未知' end as '性别' from retail_sales_dataset;
需要统计男女人数,可参考以下方法(group by 分组,order by 排序 desc倒序,不写则默认为升序)
(1) 将1中查询到的结果当作一个新表a再进行查询 select a.性别,count(a.性别)as 客户人数 from (select Gender, case when Gender ='Male' then '男' when Gender ='Female' then '女' else '未知' end as '性别' from retail_sales_dataset)a group by 1 order by 2 desc;
(2) 使用replace先替换后统计 select replace(replace(Gender,'Female','女'),'Male','男')as性别, count(*)as 客户人数 from retail_sales_dataset group by 1 order by 2 desc;
select min(Age)as 最小年龄,max(Age)as 最大年龄
from retail_sales_dataset;
select Age , case when Age<=29 then '18-29' when Age<=44 then '30-44' when Age<=59 then '45-59' else '60-64' end as '客户年龄段' from retail_sales_dataset; 分段结果如图
3. 统计不同年龄段的客户人数,同样可将2中查询的结果当作一个新表a进行查询统计 select a.客户年龄段,count(a.Age)as 客户人数 from (select Age , case when Age<=29 then '18-29' when Age<=44 then '30-44' when Age<=59 then '45-59' else '60-64' end as '客户年龄段' from retail_sales_dataset)a group by 1 order by 2 desc;
4.将不同客户按消费品类和消费等级分类 select `Customer ID`, case when`Total Amount`>= 800 and `Product Category`='Beauty' then '美妆优质客户' when `Total Amount`>= 500 and `Product Category`='Clothing' then '服装优质客户' when `Total Amount`>= 1000 and `Product Category`='Electronics' then '电子产品优质客户' else '其他' end as '客户类别' from retail_sales_dataset;
5.统计不同消费等级的客户数,将4中分类当作一个新表a进行查询统计 select a.客户类别,count(a.客户类别) from (select `Customer ID`, case when`Total Amount`>= 800 and `Product Category`='Beauty' then '美妆优质客户' when `Total Amount`>= 500 and `Product Category`='Clothing' then '服装优质客户' when `Total Amount`>= 1000 and `Product Category`='Electronics' then '电子产品优质客户' else '其他' end as '客户类别' from retail_sales_dataset)a group by 1 order by 2 desc;